Sunday, October 24, 2010


In honor of the MIGHTY victory for the Missouri Tigers last night, I thought a little football story would be appropriate. After the kids wake up from rest, they do an activity at the tables, then play in a center until snack. My set of boy twins often gravitate to the plush football and play a game. One will be the snapper, the other will be the quarterback; the snapper says, "Putt, putt!", instead of "Hut, hut.". Then, they'll run around and try to fake each other out, then pass it, and "score" a touchdown. To which they cheer, "Touchdown Arkansas!" Their athletic abilities far surpass any other 3 year old I've ever encountered, so professional sports may very well be in their future...

These two sweet boys also say my name differently, as I discovered last week. I am Mrs. Khessica, with an emphasis on the 'i' sounding like 'eeeeeeeeeeee'. They also speak in a very high pitch when they need my immediate attention. Once at Wal-mart, I heard their little voices calling my name from across the check-out isles-- that's the best!

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