Monday, October 11, 2010

Connecting the Dots

I have recently encountered a relationship that truly stumps my students. The kids have seen the pictures of my families that sit atop the cubbies. One of my immediate family, one of the in-laws, and one of my husband and me. I've explained a few times, after they've seen the picture of my husband and me, that I am married to that guy in the picture. They seem to understand that. Their own parents are married-- connection in their mind, we have rings on the same finger. Ok, connection made, or not... They alternate refer to my husband as my dad, or more recently, my son. Apparently, the connection isn't totally there, and understandably so. My marital relationship is missing one vital piece to complete the own children that I have birthed. Apparently, I can't possibly be married without also being a mom. And so goes the dialog:
Student: "Mrs. Jess? Are you married?"
Me: "Yes."
Student: "Ok, so, are you a mom?"
Me: "No."
Student: "Do you want to be?"
Me: "Yes, someday, I do want to be a mom."
Student: "Why are you married, then?"
(this conversation,of course, took place in the bathroom, where else?)

On another occasion, I have gone in circles with one little guy about how I'm married, but don't have kids. He didn't get it either. This kid was pretty sharp. Surely, if I was married, I had kids. It didn't make sense any other way. I'm talking at least a 20 minute recess chat, which didn't end up in resolve. At one point, he sat on the playground bench beside me, crossed his leg over his opposite knee, elbow rested on the other knee, and his chin cupped in his hand thinking things over. Too funny!

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